来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK710113 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK710113
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摘 要:本文详细介绍了一种基于单片机的脉冲反射式超声测距系统。该系统是以空气中超声波的传播速度为确定条件,利用发射超声波与反射回波时间差来测量待测距离。本系统安装使用方便,价格便宜,并可与遥测遥控系统配合使用,有较广阔的应用前景。
Design Of Ultrasonic Distance Proximity Warning System Based On MCU
Abstract: The thesis introduces a kind of single-pulse-reflection ultrasonic distance meter system in detail based on micro controller. The system could certain distance with the time between transmit wave and reflected wave on condition in which the speed of transmitting wave is fixed. It is easy to be installed and applied, low in price and capable of being used in combination with telemetering telecontrol system and has extensive application prospects.
This paper summarizes the development and foundational principle of ultrasonic detection. Then it presents the working mechanization and characters of ultrasonic sensor. At the same time, it discusses a number of main technical parameters. Moreover, it proposes the whole structure of the system by introducing the function of ultrasonic distance meter. And then the transmission, receiver, detection, display scheme of this distance meter system is brought out. Specially, after the application of AT89S51 micro controller, it analyzes the hardware and software realization of each part in this system. At last the result and error analysis of experiments is presented.
Key words: ultrasonic wave; ultrasonic sensor; ultrasonic distance measurement system; signal chip computer; temperature compensation

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 绪论 2
1.1 前言 2
1.2 研究背景与意义 3
1.3 超声波测距技术的发展概况 3
2 系统总体方案及硬件设计 4
2.1 超声波的简介 4
2.2 超声波传感器的简介 6
2.3 超声波测距原理 9
2. 4 超声波测距系统的硬件设计 10
2.4.1 概述 10
2.4.2发射电路的设计 11
2.4.3接收电路的设计 12
2.4.4单片机系统及显示电路的设计 12
2.4.5防撞报警电路的设计 12
3 系统程序设计 13
3.1超声波测距器的算法设计 13
3.2主程序 14
3.3超声波发生子程序和超声波接收中断程序 15
4系统的可靠性与抗干扰系统 16
4.1传感器的指向角 16
4.2测距仪的工作频率 16
4.3温度对声速的影响 17
4.4发射脉冲宽度 18
4.5测量盲区 18
5 系统实验与分析 19
5. 1实验过程及分析 19
5. 2误差分析及改进措施 20
6 结论及建议 21
参考文献 23
致谢 25
附录 26