AT89S52 Microcontroller based Design of electronic calendar
AT89S52 MCU as the core design components of the electronic calendar, use as a driver 74LS07, 74LS164 as a shift register, the six seven-segment digital tube all the way with common cathode, P0 port as the output section of the election code, P2 mouth as a bit selection code output.
This design is the subject of electronic calendars based on single chip design, so it can display year, month, day, hour, minute, second and so on. Electronic calendar with stable performance, high accuracy, low cost, easy-to-product technology, as well as convenient, practical and so on. Apply to families, companies, agencies and many other places. For people's daily lives, providing a convenient travel arrangements, become an indispensable part of daily life.
This design can be divided into two parts: hardware and software in the system.
Hardware system includes: AT89S52 microcontroller, 74LS07 drive, 74LS164 shift register, RC reset circuit, +5 V DC power supply circuit, to shake circuit, dynamic display scanning circuit.
MCU main software system programming form.
KEY WORDS: microcontrolle ,AT89S52 ,74LS07 ,74LS164,

目 录
前 言 1
第1章 项目设计要求 2
1.1 毕业设计及要求 2
1.1.1 设计任务要求 2
1.1.2 技术指标 2
1.1.3 系统掌握 2
第2章 芯片介绍 4
2.1 AT89S52介绍 4
2.1.1 AT89S52性能介绍 4
2.1.2 AT89S52结构引脚 6
2.2 74LS164介绍 6
2.2.1 74LS164 6
第3章 系统设计 8
3.1 系统确定 8
3.1.1 框架设计 8
3.2单片机最小系统应用 8
3.2.1 单片机的时钟电路 9
3.2.2 复位电路和复位状态 10
第4章 硬件设计 14
4.1 电路原理图 14
4.1.1 工作原理 14
4.1.2 元件清单 14
4.2 LED显示设计 15
4.2.1 LED数码管 15
4.2.2 LED数码管编码方式 16
4.2.3 LED数码管显示方式和典型应用电路 17
第5章 软件设计 19
5.1软件设计 19
5.1.1 程序流程图 20
5.1.2 程序清单 20
结 论 32
谢 辞 33
参考文献 34
附 录 36
外文资料翻译 37
附 录
附图1 电路原理图。
附图2 流程图框架图
附图3 结构引脚图。
附图4 分解电路。